
Christmas Newsletter 2024
Zurich, 22.10.2024 – Two researchers from Germany and Switzerland have been awarded the SWISS BRIDGE Award 2024 for their innovative research projects.

Newsletter 2024
Dear friends of the SWISS BRIDGE Foundation, with the help of your support, we have been able to achieve so much over the past 27 years.

November 2023
Zurich, 24 October 2023 – Two research scientists from Austria and Switzerland will receive the SWISS BRIDGE Award 2023.

Newsletter 2023
Dear Friends of the SWISS BRIDGE Foundation, we are pleased to present the latest issue of the SWISS BRIDGE newsletter. Unfortunately, we were blindsided by the sad news of Thomas Hoepli‘s death earlier this year.

Christmas Edition: Newsletter 2022 - II
SWISS BRIDGE Award 2022: Two research scientists from Switzerland and Sweden have received the SWISS BRIDGE Award 2022 for their research projects on infection-related cancers.

Newsletter 2022 - I
In this issue of the newsletter, we would like to provide you with an overview of the cancer research projects we´re currently funding and the new projects we are currently initiating. The SWISS BRIDGE AWARD 2022; one of the most highly endowed cancer prizes in Europe, was announced once again in February. Currently it is in the heated evaluation phase, and we are very excited.

Newsletter 2021
All the members of the Board of Trustees and the Management of the SWISS BRIDGE Foundation are pleased to welcome Prof. Adrian Ochsenbein, MD, as the new Chairman of the Scientific Jury.

Newsletter 2020
The prestigious European award for young scientists was announced this year for the 20th time since its inception. The SWISS BRIDGE Scientific Jury selected a promising topic fitting the occasion: Basic and translational research in childhood cancer. Some 50 applicants from 13 different countries took part in the competition, two of whom were finally selected by Prof. Dr. Gordon McVie, Chairman of the SWISS BRIDGE Scientific Jury, after a thorough evaluation by his great team.

Newsletter 2019
New cellular immunotherapies cannot be compared with classical drugs. Drugs are clearly defined chemical substances, but the new treatments are alive; using cancer patients´ immune systems from their own bodies to fight cancer at the cellular level. Patients´ cells are genetically modified and multiplied in a laboratory – then transferred back into their bodies, where the cells can act with increased strength against degenerated tumour cells, thanks to genetic upgrading.

Newsletter 2018
Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors – whose discoverers won this year`s Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine – raise hope and are promising, because they can sometimes also cure patients with advanced-stage cancers. However, immunotherapies are also cause for frustration because they often fail, with only about 20% of the treated patients responding to these types of therapies. Medical science does not yet know in advance with whom these therapies will work.

Newsletter 2017 - 2
This year‘s Swiss Bridge Award goes to a research group from Israel and a research group from Switzerland. With the 250 000 Swiss Francs awarded to each, the researchers aim to investigate interactions between cancer cells and the somatic cells in their immediate environment.
The 2017 Swiss Bridge Foundation’s Award is being presented to researchers under the age of 45 years old who are pursuing the investigation of the complex interactions with which tumor cells and cells within their immediate environment influence each other.

Newsletter 2017 - 1
We launched our activities in April at the University of Zurich. “Insight into cancer research" - It was a unique opportunity to look over the shoulders of Prof. Mosimann and his team while they carried out their fascinating research. Prof. Mosimann was awarded the 2016 SWISS BRIDGE AWARD, among the most prestigious international awards for pioneering cancer research projects. His research in the field of rare cancers uses the zebrafish to decipher the disease and identify potential therapeutic approaches.

Newsletter 2015
In the past 14 years CHF 7.850 Mio were paid or committed to 40 cancer research teams from 10 Countries (of approx. 800 projects evaluated).
On 3rd November 2015, two research teams (of 48 projects evaluated) were awarded with CHF 250’000.00 each for their outstanding research projects in the field of cancer stem cells.
Donor details
Donor‘s account
- Credit Suisse | 8070 Zurich
CH52 0483 5095 7385 1100 0 - PC: