
1997 Establishment of the SWISS BRIDGE Foundation. Co-founders: Thomas Hoepli and the Swiss Cancer League. Chairman: Prof. Dr. Urs Metzger.
1998 First Charity Golf-Event for the Supporters and Friends of the Foundation.
2000 Announcement of the first SWISS BRIDGE AWARD. Prize-monies CHF 500’000
2001 Prof Dr Giorgio Noseda becomes Chairman of the Foundation.
2002 Prof Dr Gordon McVie becomes Chairman of the Scientific Jury.
2003 Donation of CHF 5 Mio. approved for projects in Brasil.
2005 SWISS BRIDGE supports the establishment of the Biobank-Suisse.
2009 Announcement of the 10thSWISS BRIDGE AWARD with CHF 1 Mio prize-monies.
2011 Prof Dr Jakob Passweg becomes Chairman of the Foundation.
2014 Donation of CHF 1.2 Mio approved for prostate cancer projects.
2016 20 years anniversary ceremony at Schloss Schadau, Thun with SWISS BRIDGE AWARD of 1 Mio prize-monies. Total donations to SWISS BRIDGE reach CHF 30 Mio.
2017 Philipp Lücke takes over the Management of SWISS BRIDGE as CEO.
2022 Prof Dr Adrian Ochsenbein becomes Chairman of the Scientific Jury


Donor details

Donor‘s account

  • Credit Suisse | 8070 Zurich
  • IBAN:
    CH52 0483 5095 7385 1100 0
  • PC:

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